Summit on Leadership & Happiness
with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
March 2023 & April 2024
For over a decade, Dr. Arthur C. Brooks has enjoyed a close relationship with Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, who was exiled from Tibet in 1959 and has since resided in-exile in Dharamsala, India. In 2023, the Leadership & Happiness Laboratory was honored to lead a Summit in Dharamsala with His Holiness, during which scholars asked important questions about the foundation of happiness, how to lead with compassion, and ways to improve the well-being of humankind.
In April 2024, the Lab returned to Dharamsala for a second annual Summit. This year, we explored the nature of transcendence across a range of spiritual practices.
“What the Tibetan parliament-in-exile can teach the West about sustaining a democracy under threat (and how to resupply its meaning)”
Bryce Fuemmeler, April 2023
It is easy to become inured to the constant alarms we hear about threats to democracy. The Tibetan parliament-in-exile reminds us why it matters in practical terms, and offers inspiration on how to keep democracy alive in even the most perilous conditions.